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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 6, 2021 9:40 AM - 12:00 PM 第VI会場 (共通講義棟C EL44)

司会:近藤 明子(四国大学)、吉江 俊(早稲田大学)

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

[65] The effect of living close to parents on the residency intention of child-rearing households from a time perspective

○Nobuhiko Matsumura1, Hiromi Syoya2, Yuka Kataoka1 (1. Ehime University, 2. de-Live Co. Ltd.)

Keywords:Residency close to parents, Time perspective, Residency intention

Local governments are promoting "residency close to parents" in which child-rearing households move closer to their parents' homes in order to promote population retention in regions. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of living near parents、 not only in the division of home services、 but also on the time perspective、 on family functions、 as well as on the intention to reside in the area. A nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted via the Internet、 through which data on 300 people was obtained. As a result、 it became clear that、 the shorter the time distance between a child-rearing household and the parents' household、 the more daily interactions and physical services took place. In addition、 a covariant structure analysis showed that living nearby increased interactions with the parent household and enhanced family functions. In addition、 it was confirmed that an increase in family functions had the effect of increasing the time perspective and the intention to reside in the area、 suggesting an increase in the happiness of the child-rearing household.