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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 7, 2021 9:40 AM - 12:00 PM 第V会場 (共通講義棟C EL43)

司会:西堀 泰英(大阪工業大学)、吉田 長裕(大阪市立大学)

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

[124] Analysis on the Effect of Ride-sharing Introduction on Private Car Ownership Focusing on Non-owners of Private Cars

○Dang Chi Anh1, Seiji Hashimoto2, Hirofumi Hori2 (1. Okayama University, Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, 2. Okayama University)

Keywords:Ride-sharing, Evaluation of user, Activity, Car ownership

In recent years, ride-sharing has been introduced around the world and is attracting attention. In Viet Nam, they have been introduced in many cities and are becoming new transportation. In Hanoi, the capital city of Viet Nam, motorcycles have been a popular means of transportation until now, but as income rises, the number of private cars increases. However, no research clarifies the effect of ride-sharing on the user's consciousness of owning a private car. The purpose of this study is to reveal passenger evaluation on the introduction of rideshare in Hanoi, examine the change of their travel behavior and grasp the user's attitude of owning a private car caused by the use of ride-sharing focusing on non-owners of private cars. As a result of the analysis, it became clear that the respondents who own no private cars thought that the introduction of ride-sharing had a great influence on the going out activities and about 50% of them think that they no longer needed private cars.