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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 7, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 第VI会場 (共通講義棟C EL44)

司会:鄭 一止(熊本県立大学)

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[133] Relationship Transitions of the Retired Elderly and the Occasion They Meet Someone to Consult with

-Focusing on the Differences of Their Intentions to Continue Their Human Relationship-

○Mayu Tominaga1, Haruhiko Goto2, Shu Yamamura3 (1. Graduate School of Creative Sci. and Eng., Waseda University, 2. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda university, 3. The Waseda Institute for Advanced Study)

Keywords:Human Relationship, Someone to Consult with, Retired Elderly, Area Community

There are many elderly people who have few people to consult with and feel cut off from their local communities. It is necessary to create a community where the elderly can consult with each other easily and feel social ties. This study examined the process by which the social interactions of the elderly change after retirement. The elderly have diverse intentions to continue and develop their relationships based on their pre-retirement relationships. Furthermore, based on their own intentions, they change their relationships by meeting new people to consult with both in and outside the community. Furthermore, they are more likely to meet new people to consult with through theme-based activities in the community.