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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 9:40 AM - 11:50 AM 第II会場 (8号館 822教室)

司会:吉田 長裕(大阪公立大学)、西堀 泰英(大阪工業大学)

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

[18] The Activities and Effects of Furniture attached to the public structure in the middle width street for pedestrian priority in the Shopping Area

In the case of the Daily Experiment in Sannenzaka Street in Kumamoto

○Haruna Sawada1, Ilji Cheong2, Masayoshi Nagano3 (1. Chiba University, 2. Prefectural University of Kumamoto, 3. University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Furniture attached to public structure, Activities, Pedestrian priority, Middle width street, Daily experiment

In this paper, we aim to show the activities and effects of Furniture attached to the public structure in the middle width street for pedestrian priority in the Shopping Area. Based on the issues, we will show our findings as a method for daily social experiments on medium-width streets. The results are as follows. (1) From the social experiment, the increase in optional activities, the increase in sitting positions by women, and the increase in staying time were observed. (2) As an effect of the furniture attached to the work, it became clear that it helped a short use and a long use, and a chain activity in which one person carries out multiple activities. (3) Based on the results from now on, we were able to obtain knowledge about daily social experiments mediated by attached furniture.