
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 1:30 PM - 4:20 PM 第III会場 (8号館 823教室)

司会:李 鎔根(東京大学)、髙野 裕作((公財)日本都市センター)

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

[31] A Study on the Actual Condition and Factors of Building Renewal in Aged Single-family Neighborhoods in suburbs Detached Houses

Focusing on the Differences in Housing Supply Methods

○Hayashi Kosuke1, Kurose Takefumi2, Yabuki Kenichi3 (1. Nippon Koei Urban Space Co., Ltd., 2. Prof, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, 3. Assist Prof, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Suburban residential area, Housing Supply, Building Renewal, Sustainability

This study focuses on an aging single-family neighborhood in a suburb of Fukuoka City. The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors that affect the actual situation of building renewal and the likelihood of building renewal due to differences in housing supply methods. We found that building renewal is more likely to occur in neighborhoods built by a method in which only the land is sold (a) than in a method in which detached houses and land are sold at the same time (b). In addition, it was found that (1) the flexibility to change the lot size, (2) the location on a corner lot, and (3) the small difference in elevation from the front street had a particular impact on the likelihood of renewal. In type (b) Neighborhoods, residential rental is more likely to occur. In (a) type neighborhoods, the timing of housing construction is more diverse, and site division often occurs during rebuilding.