
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 1:30 PM - 4:20 PM 第III会場 (8号館 823教室)

司会:李 鎔根(東京大学)、髙野 裕作((公財)日本都市センター)

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

[36] Study on the Evaluation and Countermeasure of Urban Areas of Residential Promotion Area in Inundation Assumption Area

Case Study on Residential Promotion Area of Local City in Inundation Assumption Area

○Joichiro Nashimoto2, Toshiya Matsukawa1, Bumpei Nakade3 (1. Nagaoka University of Technology, 2. FUKUDA CORPORATION, 3. Nagaoka University of Technology )

Keywords:Urban Facility Location Plan, Residential Promotion Area, Inundation Assumption Area

In this study, we focus on the designated area including the inundation area in the Residential Promotion Area. The purpose of this study is to evaluate on the two axes of urban area evaluation (population density, public transportation convenience, infrastructure development, urban function and Urban Facility Promotion Area) and inundation risk (Inundation Assumption Area and inundation record), and to give suggestions for the future of the Residential Promotion Area. As a result of the two-axis evaluation, there are many areas with high urban evaluation in cities where the Residential Promotion Area is limited in terms of overlap with flood risk. On the other hand, in cities that are not limited, there are many districts with low urban ratings. In addition, we learn about flood control measures and policies in those areas.