
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 10:50 AM - 12:10 PM 第IV会場 (8号館 824教室)

司会:小山 雄資(鹿児島大学)

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[40] Achievements and Issues of Dealing with Lands with Unidentified Owners through Collaboration between an Administrative Scrivener and a Social Enterprise

Case Study of the "Midori Fukushi Kai" and the "Cares" in Tagami Town, Niigata Prefecture

○Hiroki Nakajima1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:land with unidentified owners, management, administrative scrivener, social enterprise

This study examines the achievements and issues of dealing with lands with unidentified owners through collaboration between an administrative scrivener and a social enterprise. Through a case study of the "Midori Fukushi Kai" established by an administrative scrivener and a social enterprise of the "Cares" in Tagami town, Niigata Prefecture, I clarified the process of business development related to dealing with lands with unidentified owners and identified the roles of each entity. The administrative scrivener played a part in legal and physical management, while the social enterprise played a role in overall physical management and utilization, thereby contributing to preventing and solving the problem of land with unidentified owners. It indicated that an organizational entity in which an administrative scrivener and a social enterprise collaborate would be one of the leading entities that comprehensively take charge of addressing the issue of lands with unidentified owners.