
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM 第IV会場 (8号館 824教室)

司会:中島 伸(東京都市大学)、村上 しほり(大阪公立大学)

2:30 PM - 2:50 PM

[46] The actual situation of urbanization in castle sites, from the viewpoint of the relationship of them with castle remains and land use

A case study of medieval castles in Tokyo

○Satoru Yasutake1, Shin Aiba2 (1. Landbrains Co.,Ltd., 2. Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Keywords:urbanization in castle sites, medieval castles, residual status, boundaries, internal structure, land use

This study revealed the actual situation of urbanization in 63 castle sites in Tokyo. We focus on land use and residual status of “boundaries” and “Internal structure” in castle sites.
In “boundaries”, we analyzed the relationship of them with the outer circumference of castle and the surrounding urban area. We investigated the components of boundaries from land use and location of castle sites, and clarified the change and residual status of the components for each era.
In “internal structure”, we analyzed the relationship between structures such as moats, bailey, and passages and internal land use. In this study, we picked up two cases, and clarified land use trends from the viewpoint of city planning and land ownership.