
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 10:50 AM - 12:10 PM 第V会場 (8号館 825教室)

司会:宋 俊煥(山口大学)、武田 裕之(大阪大学)

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

[52] An exploratory study of the tolerance of specific usage in public spaces by witnesses

Utilization of public space with skateboarding as a case study

○Kazuhiro Sasao1, Tetsuharu Oba1 (1. Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University)

Keywords:public spaces, skateboards, witnesses, tolerance, communication, Motivation-Hygiene Theory

The research aims to clarify what kind of measures are effective in increasing the tolerance of witnesses to specific usage in public spaces, and what should be kept in mind. A literature survey using newspaper articles and a questionnaire survey of witnesses of a social experiment involving the installation space of skateboards were conducted to obtain the following findings. The first is that beautifying the space and eliminating concerns about spreading to other spaces can be effective in increasing the tolerance of skateboard witnesses. The second is that to increase witnesses' tolerance for specific usage, it is helpful to identify and improve issues that are different from the general issues. Third, for specific usage in public spaces to be sustainable, not only the response measures to be viewed favorably but also the response measures to increase tolerance could be important.