
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 1:30 PM - 4:40 PM 第V会場 (8号館 825教室)

司会:吉江 俊(早稲田大学)、客野 尚志(関西学院大学)、岩見 達也(国土技術政策総合研究所)

4:20 PM - 4:40 PM

[62] Land Use as Temporary Buildings or Open Space in Land Readjustment Projects for Tsunami Recovery

The Actual Situation about Ten Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 11 Districts in Iwate Prefecture

○Takuya Hagiwara1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:land readjustment project, vacant lot, temporary use, use as open space, The Great East Japan Earthquake

This study aimed to clarify the actual situation of land use as temporary use or open space in Land Readjustment Projects for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, approximately ten years after the disaster. A visual survey of 11 land project areas in Iwate Prefecture confirmed that, on average, about 20% of the vacant lots were being used. The content of land use, such as temporary or open space use, was confirmed to vary depending on the district conditions. The reconstruction status and location of convenience facilities in the same district have affected the uneven land use distribution even within the same district. In addition, it became clear that there are cases where temporary urban use is expressed and cases where green land use predominates, depending on the pre-earthquake urban conditions and other factors.