
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 9:40 AM - 12:10 PM 第VI会場 (11号館 AL1)

司会:田村 一軌((公財)アジア成長研究所)、山田 育穂(東京大学)

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

[64] The performance of routing policies on traffic flow in urban grid networks

○Naoshi Shiono1, Ukai Takamori2 (1. Kanagawa Institute of Technology, 2. National Defense Academy of Japan)

Keywords:urban grid network, routing policy, traffic flow

Getting to our destinations, we often seek the better way to avoid traffic jams. In this study, we evaluate some routing policies in the view of the traffic flow at roads and intersections. This study is focused on a finite square grid graph. We assume origins and destinations are uniformly and independently distributed at nodes. The main results by computing traffic flows for each policy are as follows: (1) Increase the number of turns causes more traffic flow at the center, (2) The policy to avoid roads where heavy traffic is expected to occur causes heavy traffic on other roads, (3) To relieve heavy traffic on the road, a single left-turning route is desirable, (4) In ideal situation where the maximum inflow at intersections is minimizes, the maximum inflow at intersections is more than 7% more than the average inflow.