
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 9:40 AM - 12:10 PM 第VI会場 (11号館 AL1)

司会:田村 一軌((公財)アジア成長研究所)、山田 育穂(東京大学)

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

[68] Flow-Demand Voting Location Models

-Focusing on the discrepancy between public opinion and optimal-

○Takafumi KOBAYASHI1, Ryuichi HORI2, Yoshiaki OHSAWA3 (1. Rissho University, 2. NTT Infranet, 3. University of Tsukuba)

Keywords: facility location, two-stage voting game, flow-demand, Condorcet winner

This paper describes a Condorcet two-stage voting model to determine the number and location of facilities for flow-demand in a spatial setting. Although electorates enjoy the facilities, flat tax is imposed on them for the recovery of facility maintenance costs. We consider two types of voting systems based on the place of residence and the origin and destination of flow-demand. First, we verify that the electorates choose more facilities than optimal policy in the former voting system,
but less facilities in the latter one, by use of median voter theorem. Second, we prove that these two types of voting systems induce different facility location in the case of two-facility. Third, we reveal that the identification of the facility specialized in flow-demand is critical to reduce the derivation from the socially optimal supply.