
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 9:40 AM - 12:10 PM 第VII会場 (11号館 AL3)

司会:沼田 麻美子(東京工業大学)、林 和眞(東京都市大学)

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

[84] Study on determinants of inter-municipal migration by using Partial Least Squares Regression

Toshimori Otazawa1, ○Takuma Kashoji1 (1. Kobe University)

Keywords:Partial Least Squares Regression, Urban Amenity, Inter-municipal Migration Model

This study aims to identify the determinants of population mobility. A novel method using partial least squares regression is proposed, demonstrating that it can avoid the problems of conventional methods such as multicollinearity. The estimation results reveal that the main patterns of population migration include (1) migration to spatially proximate areas, (2) migration seeking higher urban services, (3) migration to areas with more universities, and (4) migration to older urban areas with higher density. Furthermore, estimates for the young generation aged 20-24 show that, in addition to factors common to all generations, university entrance and graduation have significant impacts on population mobility in this generation. These findings can be helpful for local governments to make evidence-based urban policies.