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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Dec 4, 2022 9:20 AM - 11:50 AM 第II会場 (8号館 822教室)

司会:氏原 岳人(岡山大学)、須永 大介(中央大学)

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[104] Impact of Spatial Realignment of Community Streets on Traffic calming and Promotion of Physical Activity.

Neighborhood Greenways Project in Portland, Oregon

○Noriaki Kondo1, Katsuya Tanaka2 (1. Research Center for Sustainability and Environment, Shiga University., 2. Faculty of Economics, Shiga University)

Keywords:Neighborhood Greenways, Traffic Calming, Physical Activity Promotion, Propensity Score Analysis, Evidence-Based Policy Making

This study tested whether neighborhood greenways (NG) policy interventions can promote physical activity, such as walking and cycling, and also achieve traffic calming in the Portland, Oregon. Propensity score matching and IPW methods were used to estimate effects. The results showed that, regardless of the analysis method, the introduction of NG was effective in increasing "walking frequency" among physical activities. On the one hand, UGB residents who experienced a decrease in traffic showed effects related to traffic calming, but felt that the bicycling environment was unsafe. On the other hand, for residents living in areas where NG was implemented, the effect was shown in terms of perceived car speeds.