
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Dec 4, 2022 9:40 AM - 12:10 PM 第III会場 (8号館 823教室)

司会:近藤 早映(三重大学)、杉田 早苗(東京工業大学)

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[110] The Impact of U.S. State Laws and Administrative Regulations on the Management Structure of Residential Properties

A Case Study of the Radburn Residential Community in New Jersey

○Yuna Matsubayashi1, Hiroko Saito1 (1. Yokohama City University)

Keywords:Residential Property Management, Democratic Management, Homeowners Associations, Radburn Association, Residential Area

The necessity for democratic management of residential communities is being addressed in Japan and the United States. Democratic management means that homeowners have equal rights to participate in meetings, make policy decisions, elect board members, run for board seats, and obtain information. In order to achieve this necessity, changes are required in the government and homeowners' associations. This study will organize and examine the true democratic management of housing communities, by understanding the state laws and administrative rules the government of New Jersey has established. .Furthermore, I will focus on the Radburn community's management and how these laws affect the community.