
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Dec 4, 2022 9:20 AM - 12:10 PM 第VI会場 (11号館 AL1)

司会:山田 育穂(東京大学)、田村 一軌((公財)アジア成長研究所)

10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

[127] Conflict analysis for influence of external opinions on owners decision-making in architectural conservation

○Kaori Isawa1, Watanabe Hiroko2, Honma Yudai2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. IIS, The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Architectural conservation, Preservation request form, Owner dicision-making, Conflicr analysis, Equilibrium solution

This study focuses on the conflict of interest structure between decision-makers and external opinion in the conservation of historic buildings and analyses the room for negotiation to the decision-makers. Specifically, the influence of the external opinion, the preservation request of the Architectural Institute of Japan, on the decision-making of the building owner is analysed by conflict analysis. The main result of this study is that there is room for negotiation, and the distribution of the equilibrium solution succeeds in visualising the conflict situation, although it was thought to result in a complete breakdown.