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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 11, 2023 9:20 AM - 12:10 PM 第I会場 (A棟 G19教室)

司会:佐藤 栄治(宇都宮大学)、田村 一軌(アジア成長研究所)

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[6] Urban Structure Simulator Considering Individual Building Replacement and Personal Relocation Behavior, Utilizing 3D City Models

- Analysis of Policy Effects such as LRT Implementation and Location Optimization Plan in Utsunomiya City

○koshi isono1, ryoji ishii1, kei takahashi1, yuhan gao1, kazumasa koide2, ryosuke chida2, hidetora tomioka3, akinori morimoto4 (1. The Institute of Behavioral Sciences, 2. Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd, 3. Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 4. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)

Keywords:micro-simulation, Location Optimization Plan, 3D City model

In order to achieve improved human well-being and sustainable urban management, there is a growing need for a planning process that shares the importance of the desired urban structure and the effects of different policies among different stakeholders. In this study, we constructed an urban structure simulation that combines sub-models estimating individual building replacement, personal relocation and residential choice, and zone-level land prices, using inputs such as 3D urban models. We analyzed the impact of policies such as the Location Optimization Plan and LRT on land use and population distribution in Utsunomiya City. As a result, we understand the effects of changes in the use of individual buildings and the increase in population due to policies such as the opening of the LRT, the improvement of bus convenience, and the guidance of residential choices and urban functions.