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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 11, 2023 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM 第II会場 (A棟 G29教室)

司会:小山 雄資(鹿児島大学)、髙野 裕作(日本都市センター)

2:30 PM - 2:50 PM

[23] A Study on the Policy of Supply and Abolition of Repatriates' Housing in Kyoto City and the Actual Conditions of Management and Living Environment of Takanogawa Dormitory

○Soma Ishiguro1, Daisuke Abe2 (1. Graduate school of Ryukoku, 2. Ryukoku Univ.)

Keywords:Repatriates' Housing, Repatriates' Dormitories, Takanogawa Dormitory, Housing Policy

Immediately after the end of the World War II, repatriates returning from abroad increased the demand for housing by 670,000 units, further exacerbating the housing shortage in Japan. Therefore, the supply of housing for repatriates became one of the most important issues for the government. The purpose of this study was to clarify the policy of supplying and abolishing repatriate housing in Kyoto city and the actual conditions of the Management and living environment of Takanogawa dormitories. As a result, Kyoto focused on establishing dormitories for repatriates by converting idle facilities. Later, Kyoto Prefecture converted to abolishing the dormitories in order to restructure its finances. The Takanogawa Dormitory had a number of auxiliary facilities that provided a foundation for daily life. On the other hand, the living conditions in the dormitory were poor. In addition, the dormitory was practically run by a self-governing body organized by the residents.