1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
[42] The establishment process and philosophy of the disaster prevention group relocation promotion project
- Case study at the Amakusa area in Kumamoto prefecture as an initial case
Keywords:disaster prevention group relocation promotion project, underpopulated area, torrential rain in July 1972, legislative process, Amakusa area in Kumamoto prefecture
This study aims to provide suggestions for future "disaster prevention group relocation promotion projects." For this purpose, we focused on the Amakusa area in Kumamoto of relocation after the torrential rain in July 1972, which triggered the introduction of this project. In Amakusa, the relocation project was completed in two years, and 87.4% of the residents continued to live in the town. It didn’t take long time to secure relocation site because the land was newly reclaimed. They also could restart their livelihood soon because the resumption of commuting farming and job placement. The establishment of the project, which was highly subsidized by the government, was triggered by the "attractive community development" aimed for under the Depopulation Law of 1970. It is necessary to consider how the project should be conducted under the declining population, such as by consolidating the relocation sites.