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Reports of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 第II会場 (A棟 G29教室)

司会:沼田 麻美子(土地総合研究所)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

[212] What are the bottlenecks in promotion of flood countermeasures in urban areas?

○Taku Nakano1, Nozomu Kiuchi2, Shuichi Takeya1 (1. Building Research Institute, 2. National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management)

Keywords:Building form regulation, Land use regulation, Inundation risk, River basin disaster resilience and sustainability

The increasing frequency of flood disasters in recent years has prompted rapid progress in the development of legal systems related to flood countermeasures. Progress in flood countermeasures in urban areas, however, has been slow because of gap in methodology between the building/urban regulations and the flood mitigation. Therefore, this report discusses bottlenecks in the promotion of flood-proofing methods in urban areas, with the aim of sharing widely the challenges to accelerate flood countermeasures. Through organizing the issues related to flood mitigation, the report shows the major bottlenecks were classified into four categories: "flood countermeasures in low-rise residential areas," "coordination among regions beyond municipalities," "development of quantitative criteria," and "division of flood countermeasures among sectors," and a path toward solving issues was discussed in summary.