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Reports of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 第II会場 (A棟 G29教室)

司会:沼田 麻美子(土地総合研究所)

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

[213] Study on the cost-benefit evaluation of resettlement measures to reduce flood damage

- A Case Study at Kobe city

○Makiko Yamamoto1, Kenji Koshiyama1 (1. Kansai University)

Keywords:water-related disaster risk, pre-flood relocation, building lot raising, hedonic method, cost-benefit evaluation

This study has two objectives: to test the evaluation of pre-flood relocation projects through cost-benefit analysis, and to clarify the relationship between area characteristics and net benefits. There are few examples of pre-flood relocation projects. Examining the impact of community characteristics on project effectiveness would contribute to the development of this resettlement project soon. The results indicate that land prices and the amount of housing in areas that are expected to be flooded may affect project effectiveness. Pre-flood resettlement projects that use areas with high land prices as the source or destination of relocation are infeasible and inadequate. Areas with negative net benefits from relocation assistance projects need to be paired with areas having high net benefits from raised projects.