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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM 第III会場 (A棟 G2大講義室)

司会:泉山 塁威(日本大学)、池添 純子(徳島文理大学)、辻本 乃理子(流通科学大学)

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

[103] A study on the effects of small-scale vacant lot development in dense urban areas

- Tsuji Square in the Higashi-Ikebukuro district of Toshima Ward

○Tomohiro Miyazaki1, Takamizawa Minoru1 (1. institute of Urban Innovation,Yokohama)

Keywords:Densely built-up area, small-scale open space, existence effects, utilization effects

This report aims to clarify the actual evaluate the impact of the development of small-scale vacant lots on residents' satisfaction from the perspective of both existence and utilization effects, and to obtain knowledge on the effects of development of small-scale vacant lots.As a result, it was found that small-scale vacant lots in densely populated urban areas do not lose their effectiveness as hygienic conditions and green spaces even if they are narrow space. Consequently, it will be necessary to expand small-scale vacant lots to areas where it is not installed, and to maintain and manage it appropriately.