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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 1:10 PM - 2:30 PM 第III会場 (A棟 G2大講義室)

司会:池添 純子(徳島文理大学)、辻本 乃理子(流通科学大学)

1:10 PM - 1:30 PM

[106] Realities and Prospects of Area-Based Management Activities Aimed at Solving Social Issues

- Through a Survey of Advanced Cases in Japan

○Mai Fukaya1, Junya Yamasaki2, Takahiro Yoshida3, Ryoichi Nitanai2, Rikutaro Manabe2, Akito Murayama2 (1. Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., 2. The University of Tokyo, 3. The University of Tokyo )

Keywords:Area-Based Management, Social Issues, Social Enterprise, Questionnaire Survey, Interview Survey

Area-Based Management (ABM) is practiced in many areas in Japan. Since social goals towards sustainability have been set, the solutions are expected to be brought forward from local level including ABM activities. In order to identify the promoting factors for such ABM activities which generate social values in commercial areas in Japan, we have conducted a series of national investigations on ABM organizations; questionnaire survey, interview survey, and literature review. As a result, the further exploration of linking the social values and their activities should be emphasized, while the ABM organizations acknowledge the values of their activities. Moreover, the collaborative ABM activities should be developed with social enterprises in order to incorporate socially demanding themes such as tackling climate change.