2:10 PM - 2:30 PM
[120] Study on Designation of the Residence Guidance Area that Considered Tsunami Inundation Assumption Area
- Case Study for 5 cities in Wakayama Prefecture
Keywords:location normalization plan, residence guidance area, tsunami inundation assumption area, population decline
Local Normalization Plan system was established in 2014. And Residence Guidance Area is appointed under this system in the local government of each place. In late years the plan and the need of the cooperation of the disaster prevention are advocated. Particularly, heavy damage occurs by the tsunami disaster. Recently, the city in consideration of tsunami damage is made, but there is the case that the Area is appointed in the area where tsunami damage is estimated. Furthermore, it is necessary to keep population density of the Area. In this study, it carried it out for the purpose of getting knowledge for the reduction of the tsunami damage risk and the designation of the Area where population density was kept.