15:25 〜 15:50
*Aoi Mochizuki1 (1. Ritsumeikan University (Japan))
企画セッション » 英語セッション
2022年12月3日(土) 15:25 〜 17:05 F107 (F棟)
Chair:Aoi Mochizuki(立命館大学)
Human migration and movement have been accelerated in the globalization eras, though national borders and cultural homogenization tendencies in each country pose serious barriers to freedom of movement. Among settled immigrants, both voluntary and nonvoluntary such as refugees, there is an increase in diaspora communities who have mixed identities toward their country of origin and the host country. Dr. Mochizuki examines the current state of global refugee affairs and suggests that resettlement rather than return to the country of origin is becoming the inevitable and only viable solution, based her arguments on the cases of Syrian refugees. Dr. J. Lee argues for a new concept of “returnee diaspora” who become double-diaspora, basing her arguments on the case of the “return” of Korean Diaspora in Central Asia to South Korea. Dr. J. E. Lee discusses the case of South Korean students as transborder immigrants when they go abroad for education.
15:25 〜 15:50
*Aoi Mochizuki1 (1. Ritsumeikan University (Japan))
15:50 〜 16:15
*Jinhye Lee1 (1. Ritsumeikan University (Japan))
16:15 〜 16:40
*JUNG-EUN LEE1 (1. Ritsumeikan University (Japan))
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