


企画セッション » 英語セッション

Needs Analysis for Resilience: Language and Tasks for Tourism and Hospitality

2022年12月4日(日) 09:15 〜 10:55 F212 (F棟)

Chair:Hanako Benson(立命館アジア太平洋大学) Discussant:Paul Sevigny(立命館アジア太平洋大学)

After the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing need for human resources in sustainable development and the tourism industry (Tuyen, 2021). Based on this, universities and vocational schools need to provide specialized knowledge and language education. Currently, there are few textbooks aimed at nurturing resilient, independent language learning for emerging fields in the Tourism and Hospitality sector. To establish a new elective course, English for Tourism and Hospitality, a systematic needs analysis for the English Program was conducted. This involved reviewing existing textbooks and surveying current students and Tourism faculty to identify relevant course objectives. In this panel, the following items will be discussed: 1. English language for tourism and hospitality: An analysis of available textbooks, 2. English language for hospitality and tourism: An analysis of data from local governments, and 3. English language for hospitality and tourism: An analysis of data from within the university context.




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