○Sungtek Kahng(Incheon National University)
Session information
Tutorial Session
[FriAM2E] (Tutorial Session) Metamaterials and EBG as EMC Solutions to Space Com & 5G Advanced
Fri. May 24, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:40 PM Room E (Exhibition Hall)
Organizer&Chair:Sungtek Kahng
As the operating frequency goes higher and the demands on complex architectures of electronics and new materials increase, the classic guide lines and design rules on EMC and RF device designs are facing the challenges and limitations in meeting the requirements. In response to the need to find the alternatives, periodic structures such as FSS are adopted or hybridized with the conventional practices to stop the radiated/conducted noise and unwanted resonance more effectively. Especially, the photonic bandgap design as the periodic structures with perfect or imperfect periodicity is revisited and becomes the EBG by being adapted to RF frequency from optics. With a different motivation, metamaterial is
researched that when permittivity and permeability the constitutive parameters of a material are given unusual or usual values, they possibly result in phenomena interpreted meaningful to overcome the limitations above in EMC and microwave engineering. Particularly, the left handedness and the infinite wavelength are introduced by negati ve permittivity and negative permeability and zero refractive index, respectivley, and they are used to change the direction or phase of wave propagation. The dispersion engineering stemming from the metamaterials has drawn attention in that it is helpful to reduce the volume of a structure and form a bandgap free from the resonance condition of the conventional periodic structure approach. So, in this session, the analysis and design methods of FSS, DNG/SNG/AMC and EBG are dealt with as welland design methods of FSS, DNG/SNG/AMC and EBG are dealt with as well as as advanced apadvanced applications to EMC/antenna/RF designs. Also, we discuss the slowplications to EMC/antenna/RF designs. Also, we discuss the slow--wave effects of a periodicwave effects of a periodic geometry and the resonant slots(nongeometry and the resonant slots(non--metamaterial) metamaterial) of DGS and SRR/CSRR. Last but not least, a number ofof DGS and SRR/CSRR. Last but not least, a number of electromagnetic electromagnetic computational methods are shown to efficientlycomputational methods are shown to efficiently and accurately predict the and accurately predict the scattering andscattering and radiation of the aforementioned structures.radiation of the aforementioned structures. techniques. techniques.