○Fabian Vargas(Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics), Bernd Deutschmann(Graz University of Technology), Nikolaus Czepl(Graz University of Technology), Daniel Kircher(Graz University of Technology)
Session information
Tutorial Session
[TueAM1E] (Tutorial Session) The importance of performing combined tests with emphasis on EMC, Functional Safety, Ionizing Radiation and Aging
Tue. May 21, 2024 8:50 AM - 10:30 AM Room E (Exhibition Hall)
Organizer&Chair:Bernd Deutschmann
Technology scaling, which made electronics accessible and affordable for almost everyone on the globe, has advanced integrated circuits (ICs) and electronics since sixties. Nevertheless, it is well recognized that such scaling has introduced new (and major) reliability challenges to the semiconductor industry. This tutorial addresses the background mechanisms impacting reliability of ICs. In more detail, topics such as the basics about electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and ionizing radiation, the mechanisms by which they affect ICs, the current standards and laboratory test setup for EMC, total-ionizing dose (TID) and single-event effects (SEEs) on ICs are presented and their combined effects on the reliability of modern ICs are discussed. Moreover, reliability failure mechanisms for (ionizing and non-ionizing) radiation, the way they are modeled and how they are impacting IC lifetime will be covered. Laboratory test setup and recent results from experimental measurements are described. Classic design solutions to counteract with TID, SEEs and EMI in VDSM ICs as well as the recent achievements on the development of on-chip sensors to monitor electromagnetic conducted noise on IC power supply lines of ICs are introduced. A YouTube video is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of such on-chip sensors. Finally, Spice simulations are used to demonstrate the combined effect of ionizing radiation with power supply noise on SRAM cells followed by the presentation of some measures to counteract with it.