○Tomas Monopoli(Politecnico di Milano), Xinglong Wu(Politecnico di Milano), Cheng Yang(Hamburg University of Technology), Sergio Pignari(Politecnico di Milano), Karl-Friedrich Wolf(European Space Agency (ESA)), Flavia Grassi(Politecnico di Milano)
Session information
[TuePMPo] Poster Session (1)
Tue. May 21, 2024 2:10 PM - 6:00 PM Poster (Exhibition Hall)
Chair: Yoshiki Kayano (The University of Electro-Communications)
○Sanguk Lee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Jangyong Ahn(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Wonho Lee(Kepco EnC), Jinseok Park(Kepco EnC), Seungyoung Ahn(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
○Taisei Watanabe(Aoyama Gakuin University), Ryosuke Suga(Aoyama Gakuin University)
○Yuto Hirota(Yamagata University), Kishio Hidaka(Yamagata University), Yohei Suzuki(IG KOGYO CO., Ltd.), Kazuya Mitsuji(Yamagata University)
○Yoshitaka Tosaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Atsuhiro Nishikata(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
○Masanori Ishii(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
○Miguel Figueirinhas(University of Twente), Ridvan Aba(University of Twente), Robert Vogt-Ardatjew(University of Twente), Frank Leferink(University of Twente)
○Minseong Kang(LIG NEX1), Yangwon Kim(LIG NEX1), Donggyu Roh(LIG NEX1), Myunghoi Kim(Hankyong National University)
○Taiki Kai(Sanden Corporation), Tatsuki Kashihara(Sanden Corporation), Koji Kobayashi(Sanden Corporation)
○Longyi Zhan(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Dan Shi(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Xiaoya Zhou(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Yi Gou(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
○Michael Ridel(ONERA), Isabelle Junqua(ONERA)
○Shotaro Takahashi(Akita University)
○Jaewon Rhee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Changmin Lee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Seungyoung Ahn(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
○Agung Putra(Institut Teknologi Bandung), Ilman Sulaeman(University of Twente), Deny Hamdani(Institut Teknologi Bandung), Niek Moonen(University of Twente)