EMC Japan/APEMC Okinawa


Regular Session

[ThuAM2A] (Regular Session) EMC for Emerging Wireless Technologies (2)

2024年5月23日(木) 11:00 〜 12:40 Room A (B1)

Chairs: Dairoku Muramatsu (The University of Electro-Communications ), Daisuke Anzai (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

[ThuAM2A.1] Evaluation on UWB Ranging Performance for IEEE 802.15.6ma in Coexistence Environment

Yuhei Oguri(Nagoya Institute of Technology), Shunsuke Ishiguro(Nagoya Institute of Technology), Takumi Kobayashi(Nagoya Institute of Technology), Daisuke Anzai(Nagoya Institute of Technology)

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