The 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society / The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology

Presentation information

JSPE Session(Japanese)

JSPE Session(Japanese) » 一般口演

一般口演3: 下垂体

Thu. Nov 17, 2016 8:40 AM - 9:30 AM Room 2 (Hall B7 (1))

座長: 曽根田 瞬 (聖マリアンナ医科大学 小児科), 藤原 幾磨(東北大学大学院医学系研究科小児環境医学分野)

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM

[O3-3] A clinical study on the patients found the underlying disease after diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus with polydipsia and polyuria

石井 崇浩, 數川 逸郎, 裵 牧子, 島﨑 俊介, 石田 真稲, 皆川 真規 (千葉県こども病院 内分泌科)

The password will be announced in the abstract book.
