The 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society / The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology

Presentation information

JSPE Session(Japanese)

JSPE Session(Japanese) » 一般ポスター

一般ポスター4: 甲状腺

Wed. Nov 16, 2016 6:10 PM - 6:45 PM Poster & Exhibition Room (Hall B5)

座長: 八ッ賀 秀一 (久留米大学小児科)

6:40 PM - 6:45 PM

[P1-25] two cases of short stature caused by chronic thyroiditis

工藤 和美, 大澤 好充, 大津 義晃, 荒川 浩一 (群馬大学大学院医学研究科 小児科)

The password will be announced in the abstract book.
