

APPES/JSPE ジョイントセッション(英語)

APPES/JSPE ジョイントセッション(英語) » Tea Break&Poster Discussion

P1-4: Growth

2016年11月18日(金) 10:15 〜 10:45 ポスター・企業展示会場 (Hall B5)

[P1-4-1] [Poster Tour]Somapacitan, a once-weekly reversible albumin-binding growth hormone (GH) derivative, is well tolerated and convenient in adults with GH deficiency (AGHD): results from a 26-week randomised, controlled phase 3 trial

Gudmundur Johannsson1, Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen2, Ida Holme Håkonsson3, Henrik Biering4, Patrice Rodien5, Shigeyuki Tahara6, Toogood Andrew7, Michael Højby Rasmussen3 (1.Department of Internal Medicine, University of Gothenburg, 2.Medical Endocrinology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, 3.Global Development, Novo Nordisk A/S, 4.MediCover Berlin-Mitte MVZ, 5.D?partement d'endocrinologie-diab?tologie-nutrition, CHU Angers Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, 6.Department of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School, 7.Department of Endocrinology, Queen Elizabeth Hospitals Birmingham)

