The 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society / The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology

Presentation information

JSPE Session(Japanese)

JSPE Session(Japanese) » 一般ポスター

一般ポスター9: 骨

Wed. Nov 16, 2016 5:40 PM - 6:15 PM Poster & Exhibition Room (Hall B5)

座長: 藤原 幾磨 (東北大学大学院医学系研究科小児環境医学分野)

5:40 PM - 5:45 PM

[P4-1] A Novel heterozygous mutation of the Aggrecan gene in a Japanese family with short stature and multiple intervertebral disc herniation:Case report and review of Literature

伊達木 澄人1, 中富 明子1, 渡辺 聡1,2, 清水 日智1,2, 吉浦 孝一郎2, 森内 治幸1 (1.長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 小児科学, 2.長崎大学原爆後障害医療研究所人類遺伝学研究分野)

The password will be announced in the abstract book.
