

Symposium (英語)

Climate Change Policy System in Southeast Asia: From Research to Policy Actions towards Sustainable Food Systems

2023年3月18日(土) 11:00 〜 12:30 Room4 (17606)

座長:Orachos Napasintuwong(Kasetsart University)

Paper 1:
Evidence-based Policy Process for Climate-resilient Food Systems in Asia: Frameworks, Approaches, and Lessons
(Suresh Babu, International Food Policy Research Institute)

Paper 2:
How to drive climate change research for policy actions?: Experience from Thailand
(Witsanu Attavanich, Kasetsart University,)

Paper 3:
ASEAN-CGIAR Innovate for Food Regional Program
(Nafees Meah, International Rice Research Institute)

Paper 4:
Climate-Smart Agriculture and Resilient Value Chains for Food Security
(Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia)