
[AsCNP] シンポジウム

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[AsCNP_S24] シンポジウム24
Brain Stimulation on Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Efficacy

2019年10月12日(土) 08:40 〜 10:20 第14会場 (パレスルームA)

Organizer / Chair: Cheng-Ta LI (Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Taiwan), Co-chair: Yasushi ISHIDA (Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki, Japan)

A growing number of evidence points out that abnormal brain function plays an critical role in many neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., major depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease). In addition, many of these diesase left unsatisfactorily treated even under the combination of medications and psychotherapy. In addition to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and traditional brain stimulation - repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a new form of brain stimulations,theta burst stimulation (TBS), is becoming more and more important in the treatment for these neuropsychiatric disorders. In 2008, US FDA cleared the rTMS system for treating antidepressant-resistant major depression; likewise, in 2018, Taiwan FDA also had rTMS approved for treating antidepressant-resistant major depression. However, what are the mechanisms underlying the brain stimulation techniques for neuropsychiatric disorders and whether TBS are more effective than traditional TMS for treating neuropsychiartic disorders (e.g., drug-resistant depression) remain not totally understood. In this symposium, experts from different countries would talk about the mechanisms and clinical efficacy of different brain stimulation techniques and the applications of brain stimulations.

08:42 〜 09:05

Cheng-Ta LI1, Masashi HAMADA2, Shun TAKAHASHI3, Ming-Hsien HSIEH4 (1. Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Taiwan, 2. Department of Neurology, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine, Japan, 3. Department of Neuropsychiatry, Wakayama Medical University, Japan, 4. Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)