
[AsCNP] シンポジウム

AsCNP » [AsCNP] シンポジウム

[AsCNP_S5] シンポジウム5
Recent Advances in Autism Research from Asia

2019年10月11日(金) 08:40 〜 10:20 第13会場 (501)

Organizer / Chair: Atsushi SATO (Department of Pediatrics, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan), Co-chair: Nobumasa KATO (Medical Institute of Developmental Disabilities Research, Showa University, Japan), Discussant: ‌Shiro SUDA (Department of Psychiatry, Jichi Medical University, Japan)

Knowledge on molecular mechanism of autism has been rapidly expanding. Analysis of autism associated with specific genetic disorders reveals its mechanisms as well as mechanism-specific potential therapy such as mTOR inhibitors in tuberous sclerosis complex-associated autism. However, a recent increase in the prevalence of autism implicates the presence of non-genetic factors that cause autism. Epidemiological studies point out the tight link between maternal administration of valproic acid (VPA), one of the major drugs for epilepsy and migraine, and increase in the risk of autism and developmental delay in their children. Exposure to VPA in utero is replicated in rodents, and these models have been investigated to understand molecular changes relevant to autism. Epigenetic factors such as paternal aging are also considered as the background of increasing prevalence of autism. Research with rodents born to aged fathers finds the relationship between paternal aging and autism in their offspring. In this symposium, recent advance in autism research is presented by Asian researchers with relevance to genetic, non-genetic, and epigenetic factors, which will deepen our understanding of molecular mechanism of autism.

09:05 〜 09:28

Hiroko KOTAJIMA1, Toshiyuki KOBAYASHI2, Hirofumi KASHII1, Atsushi SATO3, Yoko HAGINO 1, Miho TANAKA 4, Yasumasa NISHITO 5, Yukio TAKAMATSU5, Shigeo UCHINO6, Kazutaka IKEDA1 (1. Addictive Substance Project, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan, 2. Department of Molecular Pathogenesis, Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University, Japan, 3. Department of Pediatrics, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan, 4. Department of Neuropsychiatry, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan, 5. Center for Basic Technology Research, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan, 6. Department of Biosciences, School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University, Japan)