

共催 » スポンサードシンポジウム

[SS4] スポンサードシンポジウム4
New treatment, including harm reduction program, for the patients with alcohol dependence

2019年10月11日(金) 16:30 〜 18:10 第11会場 (502)

座長:齋藤 利和(‌医療法人北仁会幹メンタルクリニック / 札幌医科大学医学部神経精神医学講座)


The “Basic Act on Measures against Alcohol-Related Health Harm” was enacted in December 2013. It called out to enahnce the training for medical staffs and the early diagnosis and treatment for patients with alcohol related problems to resolve the big treatment gap. In these situation, The Japanese Society of Alcohol-Related Problems and The Japanese Medical Society of Alcohol and Addiciton Studies published New Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders. This guidelined including the harm reduction concept as a treatment goal for alcohol dependence as well susbtance use disorder. Big alteration has been seen in outpatietns treatment by accepting the drinking reduction goal in Japan. Additionaly, new pahrmacotherapy for alcohol dependece aiming to reduce in alcohol consmption was lanched in Japan. These changes would be expected to play supportive role for continuing treatment for patients with alcohol dependence both with an/or without of medication.