08:40 〜 08:42
[AsCNP] シンポジウム
AsCNP » [AsCNP] シンポジウム
[AsCNP_S21] シンポジウム21
Translational Research for New Drug Development in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
2019年10月12日(土) 08:40 〜 10:20 第6会場 (401+402)
Organizer / Chair: Toshitaka NABESHIMA (Graduate School of Health Science, Fujita Health University, Japan), Co-chair: Yukihiro OHNO (Department of Pharmacology, Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan), Discussants: Wen-Sung LAI (Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Ming-Huan CHAN (Institute of Neuroscience, National Chengchi University, Taiwan)