
[AsCNP] シンポジウム

AsCNP » [AsCNP] シンポジウム

[AsCNP_S60] シンポジウム60
Epignetic mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders

2019年10月13日(日) 14:50 〜 16:30 第17会場 (末広)

Organizer / Chair: Makoto TANIGUCHI (Department of Neuroscience, Medical University of South Carolina, USA), Co-chair: Kazuya IWAMOTO (Department of Molecular Brain Science, Kumamoto University, Japan), Discussants: ‌Naoko KUZUMAKI (Department of Pharmacology, Hoshi University, Japan), Akiyoshi SAITOH (Laboratory of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Tokyo University of Science, Japan)

14:50 〜 14:55

[AsCNP-S60-Introduction] Introduction