
[AsCNP] シンポジウム

AsCNP » [AsCNP] シンポジウム

[AsCNP_S8] シンポジウム8
Cellular and molecular signatures of psychiatric disorders in postmortem human brain

2019年10月11日(金) 08:40 〜 10:20 第16会場 (平安)

Organizer / Chair: Shinya KASAI (Addictive Substance Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan), Co-chair: Shuji IRITANI (Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medical Science, Nagoya University, Japan), Discussants: ‌Shigeki YAMAGUCHI (Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University, Japan), Hiroki TANAKA (Department of Legal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical University, Japan)

09:31 〜 09:54

[AsCNP-S8-3] Influence of alcohol on hippocampal neurogenesis

Kanar ALKASS1, 2, Gopalakrishnan DHANABALAN1, Tara Wardi LE MAITRE1, Samuel BERNAND4, Nenad BOGDANOVIC3, Henrik DRUID1, 2 (1. Karolinska Institutet, 2. Forensic Medicine Laboratory, Department of Oncology-Pathology, 3. Neurogeriatric Clinic, Theme Aging, Karolinska University Hospital, 4. Institutet Camille Jordan, CNRS UMR 5208, University of Lyon)

