The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference(ATPC2022)


Poster Presentation



2022年9月27日(火) 15:00 〜 17:00 Room P (Zoom room P1)

Virtual Abstract

[2P1001-29-17] Contribution of free electrons to thermal conductivity change of Pd-catalyzed Ni-Mg alloy films by hydrogenation reaction

*Hiroki Yagi1, Takashi Yagi2, Yuichiro Yamashita3, Makoto Kashiwagi4, Yuki Oguchi5, Naoyuki Taketoshi6, Yuzo Shigesato7 (1. Aoyama Gauin University, 2. Aoyama Gauin University,NMIJ AIST, 3. Aoyama Gauin University,NMIJ AIST, 4. Aoyama Gauin University, 5. Center for Instrumental Analysis Aoyama Gauin University, 6. Aoyama Gauin University,NMIJ AIST, 7. Aoyama Gauin University)

キーワード:switchable mirror, Mg-Ni alloy, gasochromism, thermal conductivity, thermal switching device