The 60th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering & The 36th Annual Meeting of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society

Presentation information


[SY3-3-1] シンポジウム SY3-3-1 知人・知面・知心分野を越えた融合研究によるHuman-well beingを支える技術

Thu. Jun 17, 2021 2:30 PM - 4:40 PM Track3 (Online Room3)

座長:岡田 志麻(立命館大学)

後援:科学技術振興機構, 共催:R-GIRO 感覚統合をコアとした健康行動継続学の創成拠点, R-GIRO 「心の距離メーター」を用いたサイバー/フィジカル空間における人間関係構築

3:05 PM - 3:20 PM

[SY3-3-1-3] Technology, Law and Ethics: What is the Role of Law and Ethics in Post-Anthropocentric Society?

Hajime AKIYAMA (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan)

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