9:00 AM - 9:03 AM
Session information
Academic Events » Symposium
1SBA Protein large-scale motions revealed by quantum beams -a new era in understanding protein dynamics
Wed. Sep 28, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Room B (Hakodate Arena Budokan B)
Organizers:Naoki Yamamoto(Jichi Med. Univ.),Hiroshi Sekiguchi(JASRI)
Biological systems function by constantly changing their hierarchical and inter-hierarchical interactions among molecules, cells, and individuals. In order to visualize these dynamics, it is effective to approach them using penetrating quantum beams such as X-rays and neutron beams. This symposium will introduce recent advances in quantum beam techniques for biophysical research, mainly focusing on large structural changes within and between protein molecules. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulation studies combined with the experimental researches, which deepen the knowledge on molecular mechanisms of the complexed protein systems, will also be shown.
9:03 AM - 9:26 AM
〇Hiroshi Sekiguchi1, Naoki Yamamoto2, Naoya Shibayama2, Yuji Sasaki1,3 (1.JASRI/SPring-8, 2.Dept. Physiology, Jichi Med. Univ., 3.Grad. Sch. Front. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)
9:26 AM - 9:49 AM
〇Rintaro Inoue1 (1.Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University)
9:49 AM - 10:04 AM
〇Yuki Hishikawa1, Noya Hiroki1, Asuka Asanuma1, Basudev Maity1, Satoru Nagatoishi2, Kouhei Tsumoto2,3, Satoshi Abe1, Takafumi Ueno1 (1.Sch. Life Sci. Technol., Tokyo Inst. Technol., 2.Inst. Med. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, 3.Sch. Eng., Univ. Tokyo)
10:04 AM - 10:19 AM
〇Wenyang Zhao1, Osamu Miyashita1, Florence Tama1,2 (1.Center for Computational Science, RIKEN, 2.Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Nagoya)
10:19 AM - 10:42 AM
〇IKUO KURISAKI1, SHIGENORI TANAKA1 (1.Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University)
10:42 AM - 11:05 AM
〇Tatsuhito Matsuo1,2,3, Alessio De Francesco2, Aline Cissé2,3, Dominique Bicout2,3, Judith Peters2,3,4 (1.iQLS, QST, 2.Institut Laue-Langevin, France, 3.Université Grenoble Alpes, France, 4.Institut Universitaire de France)
11:05 AM - 11:28 AM
〇Naoki Yamamoto1 (1.Sch. Med. Jichi Med. Univ.)
11:28 AM - 11:30 AM