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1SEA 先端⾚外光の利⽤による⽣物物理学研究

2022年9月28日(水) 09:00 〜 11:30 E会場 (函館アリーナ 多目的室B)

オーガナイザー:古谷 祐詞(名古屋工大),村越 秀治(生理研)


Infrared (IR) light has been widely utilized for analyzing molecular structure and interaction in biological and organic materials. Nowadays, new infrared light sources have been developed, such as ultrafast pulsed IR lasers, quantum cascade lasers, and fiber lasers. These lasers are applicable not only to vibrational spectroscopy on biological molecules but also to microscopic imaging of biological systems such as tissues and cells. Multi-photon microscopy is one of the most important applications, which can shed light on deep inside brains. In this symposium, we would like to discuss the possibility of new infrared light sources in biophysical studies.