The 60th Annual Meeting of BSJ

Session information

Academic Events » Symposium

1SEP Physico- and chemical biology using nanomanipulation and micromanipulation technologies

Wed. Sep 28, 2022 1:50 PM - 4:20 PM Room E (Multi-purpose room B)

Organizers:Akira Kitamura(Hokkaido Univ.),Ryo Iizuka(The Univ. of Tokyo)

Various nano- and micromanipulation technologies provide novel strategies to elucidate nature in many scientific fields such as biophysics, physicobiology, and chemical biology. Here, we introduce the cutting-edge topics using nanomanipulation and micromanipulation technologies with a single molecule sensitivity, chemical biology, optogenetics, and mechanistic measurements for understanding and controlling cells and organisms. Furthermore, research topics in molecular and cellular biology from physicochemical perspectives will be discussed.