

アカデミックイベント » シンポジウム

1SEP 微細制御技術を⽤いたフィジコケミカルバイオロジーへの展開

2022年9月28日(水) 13:50 〜 16:20 E会場 (函館アリーナ 多目的室B)

オーガナイザー:北村 朗(北海道大),飯塚 怜(東京大)

Various nano- and micromanipulation technologies provide novel strategies to elucidate nature in many scientific fields such as biophysics, physicobiology, and chemical biology. Here, we introduce the cutting-edge topics using nanomanipulation and micromanipulation technologies with a single molecule sensitivity, chemical biology, optogenetics, and mechanistic measurements for understanding and controlling cells and organisms. Furthermore, research topics in molecular and cellular biology from physicochemical perspectives will be discussed.