13:50 〜 13:55
アカデミックイベント » シンポジウム
1SFP ⽣体膜の⽣物物理呼応と細胞機能制御への化学的利⽤
2022年9月28日(水) 13:50 〜 16:20 F会場 (函館市民会館 大ホール)
オーガナイザー:中瀬 生彦(大阪公立大),広瀬 久昭(京都大)
Biological membranes participate in responses for acceptance/rejection of stimulation and environmental changes from outside/inside cells, leading to signal transduction and cellular responses including e.g., cellular uptake, migration, proliferation, and cell death. The biophysical responses/mechanisms-based membrane controlling systems are highly anticipated to be next-generation therapeutic methodologies for further achievements of disease regulation such as cancers. In this proposal symposium, advanced research technologies and achievements of visualizing and controlling membrane traffic, structures, penetration, and shape-dependent cellular signaling from the fusion viewpoints of biophysics, molecular cell biology, chemistry, and chemical biology will be presented, and membrane-based therapeutic methodology will be discussed.
13:55 〜 14:20
〇Christian Widmann1 (1.University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
14:20 〜 14:45
〇池ノ内 順一1 (1.Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyushu Univ.)
14:45 〜 15:05
〇侯 玉格1、杉原 加織1 (1.生産技術研究所, 東京大学)
15:05 〜 15:25
〇中瀬 生彦1 (1.阪公大・院理)
15:25 〜 15:50
〇末次 志郎1,2,3 (1.奈良先端科大・バイオサイエンス、2.奈良先端科大・データサイエンス、3.奈良先端科大・デジタルグリーンイノベーション)
15:50 〜 16:15
〇Aurelien Roux1,2 (1.Department of Biochemistry, CH-1211, University of Geneva、2.NCCR Chemical Biology, CH-1211, University of Geneva)
16:15 〜 16:20