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2SCA 発動分⼦科学への若⼿研究者による挑戦

2022年9月29日(木) 08:45 〜 11:15 C会場 (函館アリーナ 武道館C)

オーガナイザー:小杉 貴洋(分子研),大友 章裕(分子研)


“Molecular Engine”, design of autonomous functions through energy conversion, has bud by the orchestration of chemists, biologists, and physicists in the last five years. This scientific concept should be passed down to the next generations for further development. To this end, early-career researchers in various research fields are trying to elucidate the energy conversion mechanism of molecular machines and to design novel ones. In this symposium, budding researchers who will lead this field related to biophysics in the future will give a talk about their latest exciting research results by developing cutting-edge technologies and future prospects.