The 60th Annual Meeting of BSJ

Session information

Academic Events » Symposium

2SEP Dynamic translation: from initiation to the end

Thu. Sep 29, 2022 1:50 PM - 4:20 PM Room E (Multi-purpose room B)

Organizers:Takehito Tanzawa(Osaka Unv.),ZhuohaoYang (The Univ. of Tokyo)

Translation on ribosomes is a fundamental biological phenomenon that requires strict spatiotemporal regulation and quality control. Since translation is a multi-step reaction, it is necessary to clarify the details of each step in order to understand its whole glance. Recently, with advancing and developing analytical methods such as structural analysis, single molecular imaging, and NGS, it has been uncovered that the translation cycle on ribosomes is regulated in various ways. In this symposium, we would like to have young researchers from different fields shed light on and discuss the dynamics of cis/trans-acting translational control on ribosomes from theoretical and experimental perspectives.


3:42 PM - 3:58 PM

〇Kevin Mac Alister Stapleton1 (1.Grad. Sch. Frontier BioSci., Osaka Univ.)